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About the Author


My name is Emilia Wuketich.  

I always found it important to be eco-friendly. I just didn't know how to do it and I never set a specific goal. Without goals it is hard to achieve something.


In the summer of 2015, I watched a documentary series called "Galileo", where they presented Lauren Singer. In two years she produced only a mason jar of trash! I was really amazed, because I never would have thought that it was possible to live a Zero Waste life.


I think it is important to fight for the environment. We should be thankful for this beautiful world and we should take care of it because it doesn't belong to us. One way of doing this is to avoid producing trash whenever you can. I would love to share with you how I am working my way toward this objective. I hope I will be able to help you. 

We have to be eco friendly, if we want to perserve a bright future for our society. I think we can change the planet's environmental situation if we are ready to change ourselves.


You don’t have to cut yourself off from the mass production, but in every waypossible, try to avoid making waste. And if you do a little every day, it will make a big difference.


And if you have got more time and you fell a little bit creative, you can also create your own products such as soaps and hand cremes.


So my advice is:

-Take your time and don't rush (don’t make this into a religion but into a habit like brushing your teeth, which you do every day but you don’t think too much about it).

-Start with the basics

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